Friday, January 29, 2010

some friday fun...

i loved this fill in the blank friday idea found here
i loved it so much, i decided to participate..

fun fun fun...

1.  If I weren't a graphic designer  I'd love to be 
a hair and make-up artist for movies

2.  When I'm super upset I can't hide my emotions at all. 
These eyes tell no lies... sleep typically helps ALOT 

3.  My favorite thing about myself is 
my blue eyes and my hair {i just wish it grew faster...ergh}

4.  If I found a $100 in the pocket 
of last winter's coat I'd spend it on some skinny jeans, heels, 
and a doggie toy for my puppster Olive... i'm pretty sure 
that's more than $100 though - -  hehe

5.  Even though some people might consider this a flaw, 
I love my height {5'3"} ... i'm a shorty pants

6.  I love the way I feel when i'm swimming - - 
the freedom of flying, just underwater

7.  I love my hair most when it's just out of the ocean - -  
i love the messy style and volume it gets from the salty water!!

happy friday everyone!!!

finally friday...

man oh man i thought this friday would never get here.
this week has been waaaaaay hectic 
{at least on the work front with a new catalog to finish - 
but with that catalog came some exciting news... more on that later}

but it's friday, and the weekend is so close. hallelujah! 
i've got some major plans this weekend... ok not really.
but i DO want to get some things done, 
now that i'm finally settled into my new apartment.

here's my list:

this weekend i will...

1} start reading a new book... In Defense of Food, Michael Pollan
anyone read this yet? i've heard amazing things...

2} hang the rest of my framed photos, paintings, wall art etc.

3} go for a run... yes i said run. ergh. i want to start to like running
 and thought maybe actually doing it might influence 
that yearning to like it... we'll see.

4} give little olive a bath... she won't be happy about this, but its necessary.

5} try a new recipe sunday night. perhaps a french recipe 
from Mastering the Art of French Cooking... oh yes.

6} find a desk, buy it, bring it home, assemble it, put my jewelry tools and 
supplies on it, and actually make some jewelry for the first time in MONTHS... 
{this is a BIG TO-DO on my list!!}

7} happy hour with the girls... always look forward to this!! it makes my friday!

8} wander downtown and discover a new restaurant... i walk by them all the time, 
but never walk in. this needs to change. i just love a good discovery.

what are your plans for the weekend?

Thursday, January 28, 2010

because i know you were wondering...

in case you were curious about my eyelash experiment...
here is a photo of them.. no mascara people.

i'm in love with eyelash tinting!!

sycamore street press...

just bought these lovelies from sycamore street press...

it will be difficult to part with some of them,
especially the frenchie cards... adorable.

making the switch...

yesterday i decided to do something different.
for about 10 years now, i've been putting a black
ink-like substance on my eyelashes... every day.

and every day at some point my eyes would water,
turn red, get irritated and itchy, and it often felt like there
were small sand particles floating around in there.
all from flaky, chunky, black mascara.

so yesterday i made the switch.
i made an appointment with my girl rachelle,
and had my eyelashes tinted.

i was skeptical at first, but when i woke up this morning
and put on my make-up (sans mascara) i was thrilled.
i put my mascara in the "makeup i don't use bag"
and 4 hours later, my eyes feel soooooo good.

i don't swear by certain things very often
but my goodness was this a genius idea.
i'm officially off mascara... possibly for good.

my eyelashes are thanking me.

{i know this post is a little silly, 
but I'm really excited about this}

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

shark tooth...

lately i've been jonesin' for a shark tooth necklace.
maybe it's my beach-girl mentality itching for a little summer,
even if it is just in an accessory.

or maybe it was the girl in starbucks the other day
sporting the cutest shark tooth necklace...

whatever the reason, i want one...
and these are some of the one's i love so far:

aren't they fabulous? {the second one is my fav!}
a little summer, and a little glam... so darn cute.

hmmmm should i splurge?

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

fantasy burgers...

the other night i decided to pretend it was summertime.
even though in reality it was raining,
i made some home made slider burgers.

i ignored the fact that it was raining outside and
ignored the fact that these burgers would never even see a grill.
all i had was my emeril cast-iron skillet, some beef, and
the game on tv.... {saints vs. vikings}

it was only appropriate that burgers be made.
and oh-my-goodness were they delicious!!
especially when they're mini and on hawaiian rolls...

i always put avocado on my burger... mmmmmm

Olive never watched me cook with such interest before...
it must have been the smokey beef smell permeating through the apartment

i gave in to her cuteness... eventually.

these little morsels were probably one of the best things i've ever created.
thank you food network, for teaching me how to season meat.

{Olive thanks you too}

Monday, January 25, 2010

movie night...

on saturday i went to see a movie...
i saw the book of ELI..

and oh-my-goodness was it good...
some scenes were a little hard to stomache,
but i loved the overall message...

...and the film style was amazing,
the story was amazing,
the costumes were amazing,
the acting was amazing.

i was even impressed with mila kunis' performance...
she tends to be in really funny movies like forgetting sarah marshall,
so i questioned whether or not i could take her seriously in a movie...
but i can. she was good... best part was the grenade bowling scene!
pure awesomeness...
denzel washington: amazing... i always love him in every movie
gary oldman: best villain ever.
{did you ever see him in the professional 
with natalie portman when she was a wee little girl? incredible!!}

and p.s...     mila, i'm secretly super-jealous of those locks.
can i have your gorgeous long hair from this movie?


• • • • • •

hope you all had a fantastic weekend.

happy monday everyone.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

frenchies make me smile...

these little guys make me smile.
this is too much cuteness to handle... i must have them.

aren't they adorable?

i could think of a bunch of people who would love these.
{...myself included...}

Friday, January 22, 2010

through the storm...

even when the worst of storms hits
the storm will always pass...

...and when the worst is over,
if you're lucky enough to see it,
there will be a rainbow after the storm.

i just wanted to say thank you to everyone
who commented, e-mailed, texted, and called me yesterday.
it meant so much... words cannot even describe.

i love you all  : )

here's to a happier friday and a wonderful weekend!

{photo taken from my window at work}

LESSON : bold with colors.

hi there-
since- i've been hiatus on lesson since the last lesson on pink shadows-
today- im gonna be showin' you gals/guys on
bold bright colors with creativity.
not on everyday creation-
but on drama theme dinner or functions.

if you're brave enough to wear this bold colors & techniques
out to public- i salute you! ho-ho

lets start off the lesson.

in the lesson
the featured make up artist..

M.A.C PGNY Artist

a. start prepin' your face with base, foundation, concealers, powder etc..
b. eyebase is important to glow the bright colors on the lid.
so remember to apply them!

1. base up with a shocking lime green shadow/ use MAC 'bitter' on the entire lid
2. using a pencil brush- apply a shocking blue/ MAC 'electric eel' on the front duck till the eyebrow.
3. that is how it will looks like-

5. finish the front eye duck to the eyebrow by mixing a lighter purple/ MAC 'parfait amour'
6. using the dabbin' technique- dab blue/ MAC 'electric eel' at the end of the eye till the lower lid & eyes.
7. between the blue & lime green- add a dab of pink/ MAC 'sushi flower' to set the contrast between the colors.

9. highlight the back part of the eyebrow with a soft tone/ MAC 'nylon'
11. using the dabbin' echnique (using finger) dab the purple/ MAC ' parfait amour' at the front part of the eyebrow.
12. getting to it?

13 & 15. to enhance the color more for the pink- use cream shadow/ MAC 'pink nouvue' lipstick to dab on the area- not too much- juz a lil' enhancement.
16. see how the color is enhancing already?

17 - 19. you can use a shocking color liner for the brow- but as for my bushy eyebrow- i need something stronger than a brow fix or eyebrow pencil- use lipstick with
a clean mascara wand, as for the color for the brows- use MAC 'morange'
20. Play with your creativity- explore with colors-
lipstick doesnt mean its only for the lips- it can go anywhere-
play around you'll create something different.
but please do avoid halloween make up! hehe

the finish look-
sharp enough to grab the attention?

note:/if there's anyone of you that is tryin' this look-
send me some pictures- i will post it up as we share your ideas on
creating a newer look for the BOLD BRIGHT COLOR lesson.

email those pictures to me >HERE!!<

Thursday, January 21, 2010

not up for it today...

last night i had the wind kicked out of me...
i was blindsided...
my heart was ripped in two...

its all very complicated and confusing...
and i have no idea what to think, feel, or do.

not sure if i'll ever have the strength to talk about it,
but we'll see. time will tell...

so no posts today.
don't think i could muster up anything
even remotely cheerful or funny.

hope you understand.

maybe tomorrow.
tomorrow is another day.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

olive doesn't like thunder...

it's been a rough week for poor olive.
over the weekend she was taken to a new place;
entirely different, with a different patio,
and different potty rules,
and it's raining on her first week here in the new place.
and there's been thunder and heavy heavy rain...
for three days straight,
and i'm not there... i'm at work.

i feel so bad.
she's so confused, and trying to be a good dog,
but she's not sure where to do her business,
because it's completely soaking wet outside.

needless to say, between the new apartment and the
weather that looks like the end of the world outside
Olive has become a hot-mess stress basket...
she's so stressed that she's literally made herself sick.
{i awoke to a lovely mess this morning... oh joy}
poor baby.

i never thought i would anticipate the END of a rain storm,
but for my poor doggie's sake, could it please let up
until we get a solid potty pattern at the new place?

pretty please?

{photo from her puppy days... 
i love it cuz she looks like a cute drowned rat}

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Beauty Trends for 2010: Mood & Language, Baby

Are you ready for these newly predicted beauty trends?
A report by Reuters (London) says those in-the-know think austerity chic will make way for mood-enhancing make-up in 2010 alongside naturally sourced cosmetics and those enhanced by biochemistry and nano-technology advances. The trend for cutting back on the use of cosmetics ruled the beauty industry in 2009. But innovation and consumer resilience have shaped a new landscape for products in the coming year, according to consumer marketing and consulting firm Mintel in its Global Beauty Trends for 2010.

The four predicted trends for beauty products are: Mood Beauty, Nu Natural, Pro-Tech't and Turbo Beauty 4G.

"While 2009 brought its challenges for the industry, beauty brands and suppliers have continued to seek creative new ways to merge science, nature and sustainability for better results and more eco-friendly formulas and packaging," said Mintel's Director of Beauty Innovation Nica Lewis .

The report said 2010 will see more consolidation in the beauty industry and the evolution of old trends as well as new ones as consumer confidence returns. Recent product evolution has seen actual ingredients that will enable consumers to enhance their mood through make-up and skincare in 2010, going beyond aromatherapy and use of scent.

Mood Beauty: entails a new concept of beauty that intersects with psychology and wellbeing. Think beauty products with psychological benefits and ingredients that act on neurotransmitters, chemicals in the brain that effect mood.

Nu Natural: is a new vision of natural beauty products evolving from a current trend toward organic ingredients, with an eye on purity and local production. Mintel Beauty Innovation said it expects to see more products claim labels like "free from" and "sustainable" though will simultaneously contain synthetic ingredients. Manufacturers will explore simpler formulas such as infusions and fluids, creating with a new generation of phytochemicals, anthocyanins and fermented actives.

Pro-Tech't: will extend an existing emphasis on protection, one of the basic functions of skincare, hair care and color cosmetics. This is already heavily in the scheme of things - so not a new concept. Beauty products are offering protection against sun damage and other environmental factors, physiological changes as well as man-made factors. Expect marketers to utilize computer technology language (e.g. "fire walls") to engage consumers via product description. Also expect to see a growth in immune-boosting and enhancing skin defenses claims in products.

Turbo Beauty 4G: high tech beauty capitalizing on advances in biochemistry and incorporating the use of next-generation nanotechnology in beauty products is expected to boom. This trend features more quasi-medical results and "mix-it-yourself" solutions: at-home kits, cures and gadgets that offer alternatives to cosmetic surgery and non-invasive procedures. Well, we're seeing a lot of that already and looking forward to more.

And you thought this was going to be an article on mood lipsticks. Pshaw. = )

source: Reuters Life, fashionmag, Mintel Beauty

amanda the birthday girl...

today is my beautiful friend amanda's birthday!
on saturday we celebrated her 24th with all of her closest friends

gorgeous birthday girl and a birthday rose

girls table

guys table (silly boys)

birthday dinner at anacapa brewing co.

the gift...

yes, we got her Beatles rock band... we're those kind of friends

i love her face in this photo... classic.

you awesome girl, you!!


a CD release party...

remember way back when i mentioned a little tidbit
about going to a CD release party?
well i'm finally posting about it.

on january 9th 2010, our good friends from
had a little CD release party.
if only all of you could make it out to one of their shows

these guys are ridiculously talented...

sweet amanda brought them a cake...
at least someone enjoyed it...

{my apologies for the blurry photos... it was dark}

BENEFIT : spring 2010 velvet e/s shades.

velvet eyeshadow
*6 brand NEW shades-
details : 3.00 g Net wt 0.11 oz
retail: RM 73*

velvet eyeshadow from benefit-
easy apply and is as light as feather-
you can use it on its own or you may also
use an eyebase first before applying the colors for a more
striking colors-

best use with light colored creaseless cream shadow/liner

creaseless cream shadow/liner : RM 85

feelin' tempted to get those colors?
too bad-
BENEFIT cosmetics in M'sia,
doesn't carry the spring 2010 colors here.

so if you gals are tempted to get one-
its best to order at

photo & info source :

Monday, January 18, 2010

Nordstrom GWP Beauty Gift

See Details

Give back to yourself with a little beauty joy from Nordstrom. Get nine travel-size beauty favorites in a cosmetics planner with your $100 beauty or fragrance purchase. Your complimentary beauty gift is valued at $100 value. Gift includes:

• PREVAGE® Body Total Transforming Anti-Aging Moisturizer (1.7 oz.)
• Clinique High Impact Mascara in Black (0.14 oz.)
• Clarins One-Step Gentle Exfoliating Cleanser (0.69 oz.)
• Cartier 'Délices' Eau de Parfum Spray (0.33 oz.)
• AHAVA Dermud™ Enriched Intensive Foot Cream (1.3 oz.)
• L'Occitane Shea Butter Lip Balm Stick (0.07 oz.)
• Xen-Tan® 'Transform Luxe' Premium Sunless Tan in Light/Medium (1 oz.)
• Mario Badescu Vitamin C Serum (0.1 oz.)
• DDF Brightening Cleanser (2 oz.)
• Cosmetics planner with brush pockets and two detachable pouches (8"W x 5"H x 1 ½"D)

Shop Nordstrom for more information on this offer. They've got all the best in new beauty collections, skincare and fragrance for the new season. Treat yourself to a free gift of beauty simultaneously. Enjoy! xo

it won't stop raining...


{images taken from 2nd floor window at my work}

Pomega5's Newest Skincare Products - Yay!

New Pomega5 Logo

Picture of Lemongrass Clarifying Cleansing BarPicture of Green Tea Balancing Cleansing Bar NEW Picture of Rose Moisturizing Beauty Bar NEWPicture of Bois de Rose NEW!

Goody, goody, goody ... I've been waiting for Pomega5 to come out with some of their newer products and here they are. There's more to come so keep checking back with them, but these are sure to please even the most discriminating of skincare divas.

NEW! Skin Perfecting Cleansing Trio
3 Bars, 4.2 oz / 120 g each

I'm never without at least one of Pomega5's cleansing bars in my bathroom! I adore these gentle yet effective bars. Each has its own unique and heavenly scent (to die for!) and they render a creamy lather that feels wonderful on the skin.

Based on a blend of extra virgin olive oil and pomegranate seed oil (yes, they were way ahead of the game incorporating these must-have ingredients in skincare), Pomega5’s Skin Perfecting Cleansing Bar Trio incorporates purifying and skin rejuvenating botanicals and essential oils to offer a one-of-a-kind sensory experience for your skin and soul.

Lemongrass Clarifying Cleansing Bar - invigorating lemongrass and eucalyptus deeply cleanse, purify and calm troubled skin; this is their classic bar newly packaged and 'tis definitely my favorite ... mmm mmmm mmmm absolutely scrumptious! $18
Green Tea Balancing Cleansing Bar - antioxidant green tea, pomegranate and verbena balance pH and fight against free radical damage $20
Bulgarian Rose Moisturizing Beauty Bar - Bulgarian rose, vanilla and red clover restore moisture while soothing dry or sensitive skin $24

Get the trio at $60 or buy the bars indiviually. They last a long time so enjoy the luxury of gifting yourself with one or all of these delightful treats for the skin.

NEW! Bois de Rose
A soothing, hydrating moisturizer for normal, dry and combination skin

A gift for her daughter who was always difficult to please, Bois de Rose is Tzeira’s classic must-have for every woman. Designed to counteract dehydration and early signs of aging, this moisturizer combines the skin rejuvenating properties of Bulgarian Damask Rose with Bilberry, purifying Panama Bark and nourishing Sweet Almond Oil to restore skin’s natural balance, leaving it smooth, hydrated and velvety soft. Sensuous, sweet, and incredibly fresh, Bois de Rose is like that little black dress you just can’t do without! Botanically preserved; contains no fillers, synthetics, parabens, or perfumes. Not tested on animals.

You can learn more about my love for Pomega5 here. Be sure to visit them online at; their products are also available at The Marin Store,

Elle's Spirit of Style Sweepstakes

Spirit of Style Sweepstakes

Are you an indie film lover with a penchant for clothing black and white? If so, you don't want to miss out on this contest from ELLE magazine and White House Black Market.

White House Black Market invites you to win a stylish, star-studded trip for two to attend Film Independent’s 2010 Spirit Awards in Los Angeles. One lucky winner will receive roundtrip airfare to Los Angeles, two nights accommodations at a hotel, dinner at an LA hotspot, ground transportation to and from the airport, backstage passes to the coveted ELLE green room at the Independent 2010 Spirit Awards, plus a $1,000 shopping spree provided by White House Black Market!

Enter the Spirit of Style Sweepstakes for a chance to win!