Friday, January 29, 2010

finally friday...

man oh man i thought this friday would never get here.
this week has been waaaaaay hectic 
{at least on the work front with a new catalog to finish - 
but with that catalog came some exciting news... more on that later}

but it's friday, and the weekend is so close. hallelujah! 
i've got some major plans this weekend... ok not really.
but i DO want to get some things done, 
now that i'm finally settled into my new apartment.

here's my list:

this weekend i will...

1} start reading a new book... In Defense of Food, Michael Pollan
anyone read this yet? i've heard amazing things...

2} hang the rest of my framed photos, paintings, wall art etc.

3} go for a run... yes i said run. ergh. i want to start to like running
 and thought maybe actually doing it might influence 
that yearning to like it... we'll see.

4} give little olive a bath... she won't be happy about this, but its necessary.

5} try a new recipe sunday night. perhaps a french recipe 
from Mastering the Art of French Cooking... oh yes.

6} find a desk, buy it, bring it home, assemble it, put my jewelry tools and 
supplies on it, and actually make some jewelry for the first time in MONTHS... 
{this is a BIG TO-DO on my list!!}

7} happy hour with the girls... always look forward to this!! it makes my friday!

8} wander downtown and discover a new restaurant... i walk by them all the time, 
but never walk in. this needs to change. i just love a good discovery.

what are your plans for the weekend?

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