Friday, January 29, 2010

some friday fun...

i loved this fill in the blank friday idea found here
i loved it so much, i decided to participate..

fun fun fun...

1.  If I weren't a graphic designer  I'd love to be 
a hair and make-up artist for movies

2.  When I'm super upset I can't hide my emotions at all. 
These eyes tell no lies... sleep typically helps ALOT 

3.  My favorite thing about myself is 
my blue eyes and my hair {i just wish it grew faster...ergh}

4.  If I found a $100 in the pocket 
of last winter's coat I'd spend it on some skinny jeans, heels, 
and a doggie toy for my puppster Olive... i'm pretty sure 
that's more than $100 though - -  hehe

5.  Even though some people might consider this a flaw, 
I love my height {5'3"} ... i'm a shorty pants

6.  I love the way I feel when i'm swimming - - 
the freedom of flying, just underwater

7.  I love my hair most when it's just out of the ocean - -  
i love the messy style and volume it gets from the salty water!!

happy friday everyone!!!

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