Monday, February 1, 2010

february at last...

january... you were full of events.
some events i wasn't too fond of...
like my crazy neighbor calling me at 4 a.m. 
and bothering me all. the. time.
or the moving {the actual moving part}.
or the crazy rain that made a mess of my patio
and pretty much killed my only plant.
or even that event that made me post about sadness and rainbows,
i really don't like being a debbie-downer blogger.
and i promise to do better...
no offense january... but i'm really
glad you're over. you kinda sucked.
i've had enough of your gloominess
and cold weather. goodbye until 2011.

on a happier note: hellllloooooo february!!
for some reason i like this month a lot more.
it's short, it's sweet.. it's the month of luuuuuuuuv, 
and delicious treats!... haha.

here's to a better month... a month
filled with happy times and new beginnings.
the real beginning of 2010 for me...
{january doesn't count to me this year}

and happy monday too!!
hope you all had a wonderful weekend...

i spent mind "getting stuff done" 
{you know, laundry, errands, cleaning etc.}
so there isn't really anything super-exciting to report.
but getting things done always feels good and productive, right?
yeah, it was a good weekend.

oh... did you hear? LTL prints has 3 new 
prints by the very talented casey o'connell.
very exciting news... my walls are looking 
forward to having her work on them.

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