Tuesday, January 26, 2010

fantasy burgers...

the other night i decided to pretend it was summertime.
even though in reality it was raining,
i made some home made slider burgers.

i ignored the fact that it was raining outside and
ignored the fact that these burgers would never even see a grill.
all i had was my emeril cast-iron skillet, some beef, and
the game on tv.... {saints vs. vikings}

it was only appropriate that burgers be made.
and oh-my-goodness were they delicious!!
especially when they're mini and on hawaiian rolls...

i always put avocado on my burger... mmmmmm

Olive never watched me cook with such interest before...
it must have been the smokey beef smell permeating through the apartment

i gave in to her cuteness... eventually.

these little morsels were probably one of the best things i've ever created.
thank you food network, for teaching me how to season meat.

{Olive thanks you too}

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