Thursday, February 25, 2010

little tidbits i'm loving today...

1} soreness from yesterday's workout
my legs hurt so good! -- darn those lunges

2} my new, and super awesome adidas watch!
i've been wanting a white digital watch for some time.
this one's perfect. i love this little baby!

3} a girls night turned dance party... laughter for hours!
if you have a Wii, go get the game just dance -- so fun!

4} my new cream colored ballet flats!
$12 and they're comfy - love when that happens!

5} oh, and this video...
{i still haven't figured the whole video on a blog thing. 
someone please save me -- hahaha}
i seriously have watched this like 10 times...
it's amazing. like UH-MAZING...
just beautiful.

happy thursday!!

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