Friday, February 26, 2010

hooray for friday, and filling in blanks...

it's finally friday!!
and you know what that means...

there's BLANKS to be filled!!!

1.  When I'm nervous I
 tuck my hair behind my ears a million times a minute.
i can't stop... it's my nervous tick.

2.  My favorite item in my closet is 
and my anthropologie dress {i've only worn it twice, but i LOVE it}

3. taking a long hot shower, a home-cooked meal and a glass of wine
is my favorite thing to do when I need to relax.

4.  My favorite childhood memory is
  christmas morning with my little brothers when we still believed in santa and still wore onesie pajamas. christmas seemed so magical at that age... like anything was possible.

5.  Something you may not know about me is 
that i used to ride horses when i was younger... i was actually on a horseback riding team with Matthew Perry's younger half-sister...

6.  A true friend
 will be there when you're at your worst. will let you cry on their shoulder, and then make you laugh. they will listen to you always, and trust you to do the same when they need you.

7.  Something I hope people think of when they think of me is
 that i'm loyal and dependable, funny and fun, a good person, and a GREAT friend.

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