Thursday, March 4, 2010

is it weird - round 2...

is it weird...
...that i love eating string cheese in the morning?
i generally prefer salty things for breakfast rather than sweet.

is it weird...
... that i miss high school?
i was fumbling through an old yearbook the other night 
and saw my water polo team page. i got sad. 
i miss water polo so much!

is it weird...
... that i speak for my little dog?
even have conversations with her?
i like to think she communicates through me.

is it weird...
... that i can rent a movie over and over again, 
but when i finally buy it, i never watch it?
what the heck is that about?

is it weird...
... that i hate tomatoes but love salsa and bruschetta?
sometimes i don't understand myself.

is it weird...
... that yogurt makes me gag unless it's topped with granola or cereal?
i really wish i loved it by itself.

is it weird...
that i dip almost everything in ketchup?
fries, burgers, hot sandwiches, chicken from salads... i love ketchup!

is it weird..
... that i can memorize a song in about 3 listenings?
seriously. even with songs i don't like.
 it even amazes me a little...

• • • • •

any weird quirks you want to share?
don't be shy...

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