Anxious about my upcoming photo shoot I have to organize completely on my own...
Relieved I have such loyal friends with such great photographic skills who are willing to be my photographer for said photo shoot...
Unorganized. I feel like I don't ever have enough time to do all the things I need to do in one day...
Amazed at the things I will be doing in the next few weeks for class. A MAC makeup line release party, a Bridal Fashion Show, A very scary photo shoot at a haunted house, and so much more!!!
Like my luck is about to change. I feel like things are going too smooth lately, and I'm waiting for something to go wrong. It's like watching a horror movie when you know someone is about to get axed {pun intended} but you're not quite sure when that's going to happen...
BUSY BUSY BUSY. I feel like the paper in my calendar is going to fall apart soon because of how much I've been writing in it...
Excited to see an old friend on Wednesday.
Disappointed that Monday came so quickly. I seriously had NO time to relax over the weekend... but it WAS a great weekend!!!
I just wanted to say I'm sorry if my posts haven't been that interesting lately. I've barely had time to sit and think about anything besides makeup or what I need to do for class, or work... I'm just a little hot-mess-stress-basket these days. Soon I will be back to my normal self... hang tight!!
{the makeup inspiration for my upcoming photo shoot. diva style}
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