Sunday, May 16, 2010

SEPHORA : coming to Malaysia!

Ladies & Gentlemen,
the long await anticipation has finnaly arrive!
yes, you saw the picture right-

Sephora is coming to Malaysia.

i was asking Bryan the day before
about the curiosity on Sephora in M'sia,
he doesnt seem to know-
but yesterday was juz a day away and he 
screamed telling me SEPHORA is COMING TO STARHILL.

i thought i was dreaming, i ask him to widen the eyes before telling lies or
just bang his head on the wall first.
but it was true- i went online, search for SEPHORA M'SIA.
and the artist impression has already been out!


btw, im not sure how long we needed
to wait for this to really happen, as its gonna
be renovated soon, maybe 3 years? or maybe 4.

hopefully, it open up soon! 
im already started to have the HAUL feeling.

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