Wednesday, February 3, 2010

some notes for wednesday...

dear wednesday:
i can't believe you're already here!
please tell friday to get here soon...

dear new urban outfitters rug:
you are the prettiest rug ever... my bathroom 
looks so darn cute because of you.
i think i might have a new obsession with owls...

dear new balance walkin' shoes
you are my new best friend... my feet really like you.
especially on those long walks with olive.
i have a feeling we'll be seeing each other a lot more...
what heels?  :P

dear old property management:
it would be nice if you could send my deposit back.
it's been 20 days since i moved... and i know 
for a fact the crazy cat lady neighbor already moved 
into my old place {yes, you read that right}
so why do you still need to hold on to my money?
give it back... please.

dear future necklace of awesomeness:
yes, i finally bought it... i splurged.
i can't wait 'til you arrive in my mailbox.
i will wear you everywhere... everyday.
you are one pretty piece of jewelry...

dear pacific ocean:
i feel so lucky to be able to run by you 
on my lunch break everyday.
you make running so much nicer than a gym.
keep sparkling... i'll keep visiting.

dear sun:
keep on shining.
you put me in a better mood when you do
and it makes me feel like spring is around the corner.
along with daylight savings time...
that makes me excited!

hope everyone is having 
a wonderful wednesday!

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