Tuesday, February 16, 2010

it's tuesday and my mind is still on vacation...

how awesome was the three day weekend?
i'm still adjusting to the fact that it's tuesday.

well, let me tell you, i had a fantastic weekend!!
and i know you're all wondering what the heck 
my mister had in store for me this weekend,
but i'm still editing the photos, and didn't think it would 
be fair to tell you without being able to SHOW you.

so tomorrow i will post about my lovely surprise
valentines-and-presidents-day mini vacation
photos included.

but until then...

here are a few to give you an idea of 
what my weekend consisted of...

oh, and the mister asked if i was afraid of heights to throw me off the trail of what the surprise was. there were no heights to speak of... apparently i am a pretty good guesser, so he needed a diversion... thus, the heights question.

little devil... he sure fooled me

• • • • • •

happy tuesday everyone

how was your holiday weekend???

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