Friday, February 19, 2010

hooray for friday...

... and hooray for the weekend,
hooray for rain,
hooray for good lattes in the morning,
hooray for paychecks,
hooray for my bills being out of the way,
{for another month at least}
hooray for surprise cupcakes from a certain boy,
hooray for plans to see shutter island, and leo,  :)
hooray for the olympics -- and shaun white,
{he's pretty badass}

and of course... hooray for
fill in the blank fridays!!
{loving this idea- thanks lauren!}

here are my fill-ins for today...

1.  If I could  medal in an olympic event it would be 
in the summer olympics for waterpolo or swimming. 
i'm actually part fish... bet you didn't know that eh?

2.  If I was stranded on a deserted island I'd take  
i get to take stuff? cool... 
i'd take Olive, sunscreen, a bathing suit, bear grylls, a tent and a book

3. dentists are my most irrational fear.

4.  I'd rather  wear leggings, flats and a t-shirt everyday,  than get dressed up in heels and a dress everyday. {don't get me wrong, i love dressing up. it's just better when done on occasion}

5.  I am loving my new jeans i bought a while ago, and finally wore today. but i'd rather be in my PJ's right now. no offense jeans...

6.  I should really be 
 running today, but i'm counting on the rain to get here 
so i have a legitimate excuse to get out of it...

7.  One of my favorite things in all the world is 
the tingly feeling of sunkissed skin after spending a 
{safe/sunscreened} day in the sunshine at the beach, lake or pool...

• • • • • • •


what are your plans for the weekend?

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