Friday, May 14, 2010

Some Friday Blanks for Ya . . .

It's       F   R   I   D   A   Y   !   !   !
Yes yes yes. But my crazy-busyness is not over yet. I have class tomorrow... at 9:00 am I am heading to a women's health event where I will be with my entire class doing makeup application for a few people involved in the event, then our entire class is running over to a photo shoot... We didn't get a whole lot of information on either event other than the fact that we will be running around like pretty little chickens with our heads cut off... guess that's the nature of the industry. Busy busy busy.

Anyways, on to the BLANKS!!

1.  The very best thing about the summer is
 Watermelon, BBQs, Lounging by the pool, sundresses at night, flip flops, margaritas, bright colors... oh wait, was I just supposed to list ONE thing? oops  : )

2.  My first crush ever was  a boy named Sean... he was the boy next door. Shy, polite, athletic and adorable. I think I was in 5th grade when that crush started... he he he

3.  This may sound really silly but  I sometimes wonder how different I would be if I had grown up with a sister. I LOVE my brothers, but I really feel like I missed out on that girly bond of sisterhood. 

4.  I squeeze my toothpaste from  all over... I just kinda crush it with my hand until toothpaste comes out. I'm not very graceful when it comes to the toothpaste.

5.  My absolute favorite "comfort food" is  Cheesy Garlic Mashed potatoes or Macaroni and Cheese. Ultimate yumminess!!!

6.  A random fact about me is that  I was raised on a little 2 acre ranch filled with animals like horses {9 to be exact}, dogs, cats, rabbits, pigs, parakeets, and a goat. I was a total farm girl... I even did 4-H. Yup. You read that right.

7.  The one piece of technology that truly makes my life better and I couldn't live without is  Either my cell phone or my laptop {with internet and Photoshop}. I seriously feel like part of my brain is missing on days my phone dies or I leave it at home... and to not have the internet?? I'd feel lost and secluded from the world... It's sad but true.


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