{if MEH were a real word to describe a feeling, then this would be the word i choose}
just say it... MEH.
it totally makes sense, and sounds kinda funny right?
i'm indifferent, then i'm frustrated.
i'm bored, then i'm excited, then i'm bored again.
i'm active, then i'm lazy.
i'm MEH.
kinda in between it all...
lately, i can't seem to make up my mind about anything. seriously. anything. which is why i chose not to blog the last couple of days. i feel like everything swirling around in my head isn't worthy to be written and shared with you all. i originally wanted this blog to be a journal, or a creative outlet, and lately i just feel like there's nothing to report.... other than what i already write about.
one day i love my hair, the next day i want to cut it all off. one day i'm super pumped on eating healthy and working out, the next day i ruin it with junk food and no exercise. i am constantly second guessing myself and i'm getting on my own nerves, which after writing that, makes me giggle inside a little.
i need a good mental cleansing.
my head needs to be cleared of all this gunk that is clogging up my creative writing and positive attitude. honestly i need a vacation. i was hoping to be able to go on one with my tax return, until i found out i OWE a butt-load of money this year. so no vacation for me. awesome.
sorry everyone. i will stop now.
i'm in a serious little funk in my little space here in blog land.
what causes this funkiness that is MEH? i want it gone.
i want to be happy.
i want to write interesting stories,
and be excited and motivated again.
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