Friday, April 9, 2010

some thoughts for friday . . .

well friday is here. hip hip hooray.
seriously... i'm so glad it's the weekend.
but alas, there is much to do this weekend, and before i know it, it will be monday again. this weekend i will be seeing a very close childhood friend of mine. and though i am thrilled to see her, it will not be in the setting i would prefer. i will be attending a memorial service for her father who passed away last week... my poor dear friend. it hurts to hear her voice in tears over the phone. 
she has had a very rough 2010, and i just want to go give her a big hug. and i will give her a big hug. tomorrow. and hopefully make her laugh. and she definitely deserves a smile and a chuckle. cuz thats what friends are for... right?
{photo via google}

anywho... before i become anymore depressing -- some friday blanks!!!

1.  The strangest thing I've ever eaten was
 rabbit. yes, you read that right. rabbit.
it was a 4-H auction and the little 4-H'ers were passing around all different kinds of meat. Unknowingly, i tried a sample of something that turned out to be rabbit. it was weird.

2.  My best friend is  well, i have like 5 best friends, and they're labeled by types. i have the boyfriend bestie, the tell-everything-to bestie, the childhood bestie, the crazy bestie... there can't be just one : )

3.  If I could live in a different era it would be      the 1960's    because i could've seen the Beatles and been a part of the mania. and i also think i could have made a good hippie... 

4.  I like when a stranger gives you a compliment. i believe when it comes from an unknown person, it's truly genuine.

5.  If you only know one thing about me it should be  that i can NEVER be intentionally mean. i have never and will never be mean to someone on purpose. even if i have good reason to. i just can't.

6.  My favorite book(s) of all time is  Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing, Where the Sidewalk Ends, and Shakespeare's Hamlet... one hell of a combo eh?

7.  The one beauty product I couldn't live without is   hmmmmmm i think it's a toss-up between liquid eyeliner and foundation. my skin gets a little splotchy almost every day, so foundation is a must... and i can't leave the house without some sort of eyeliner on my eyes....

8.  Blogging is  my escape from the everyday. i can share a story, idea, or thought... or i can read someone else's blog and get totally inspired. Blogging motivates me in so many ways. and blogger friends are simply amazing.

9.  If I could star in a movie with any actor/actress I would want to work with      Ummmm mr. Johnny Depp of course!!! he is a sexy beast and i would LOVE to star in an action/romantic movie with him. i chose action film cuz i would love to show off my tough side... i'm no dainty flower.

10.  One of the best feelings in the world is  getting home on a friday afternoon knowing you have two full days of freedom. it's like a blank canvas...


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