Friday, April 16, 2010

a great weekend ahead - and FRIDAY BLANKS . . .

friday is here again! 
i have a feeling this weekend is going to be a good one. why you ask? well, i'm having lunch with some childhood besties... we're long overdue for a lunchie lunch, so you could say i'm pretty excited about this... oh! and SUNDAY i am taking part in a little sailing expedition... a few friends and i are modeling for a sail boat company, and we get a lunch and a 2 hour sailboat ride out of the deal... pretty sweet sunday if ya ask me. hopefully they'll let me take a few snapshots in between shots  : )

an on to one of my favorite things about friday: 

1.  The first thing I do in the morning is 
walk like a zombie to the living room and feed little Olive. 
She won't let me get anything done until she's got food in her bowl. 

2.  Every night before bed  I  
Set my alarm, brush my teeth, make sure all doors are locked {i'm a freak about this}  and get into my PJs. hmmmmmmm i kinda want to do this now  : )

3.  My favorite thing to do when I'm having a bad day is 
 Go shopping, bake something delicious, or play with Olive. 

4.  Something that makes me cringe is 
when people have a seriously BAD cough {and by bad i mean disgusting} and don't cover their mouth. especially if they're standing behind you in line... sick. 

5.  Social situations   
are difficult for me if it's for work or with a bunch of people I don't know. 
I find them awkward, but handle it well I think. 

6.  I like to collect  
Candles and MAC eyeshadows. I serously have SO many!! 
Guess that'll come in handy when I start makeup class on TUESDAY!!! 

7.  Weekends are for  
The REAL ME. All week I'm the WORKING ME, doing work things, life things, errands, chores, laundry... on weekends I get to do things I WANT to do...

• • • • • • • 


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