Friday, April 23, 2010

Fill in the Blanks . . .

It's time for some BLANKS 

{courtesy of the awesome Lauren at The Little Things We Do.}

1.  One song that always takes me back to my youth is Walk on The Ocean by Toad the Wet Sprocket. My Dad always played that song on the 2 hour drive to my grandpa's old cabin to go camping and ride quads. Those were the best trips...

2.  My first concert ever was  No Doubt - Back in the Tragic Kingdom days. I think I was 12. It was an awesome concert!! My grandma and cousin took me. I remember my cousin talking about how hot Gwen Stefani was. HAHAHA

3.  If I could create my dream music festival I'd want these bands to be there:  Ray Lamontagne, The Beatles, The Doors, JOURNEY, Gregory Alan Isakov, Bob Marley, Jason Mraz, No Doubt (90's), The Killers, The Cure, Patsy Cline. -- What a hot mess that list is!!!

4.  The best make-out/"boot knocking" song ever is  Seriously, I'd prefer anything Beatles. WHY? Because EVERY Beatles song is good, so you wouldn't have to think about killing the moment by skipping a song.  : )

5.  The best concert I've ever been to was   Either No Doubt or The Cure. The Cure played for 3 hours straight and sounded fantastic. We also got to watch them while sitting on a blanket in a giant grassy field. It was bliss.

6.  A memorable musical moment for me was   When my friend Mike got too drunk at a bar and had me drive him home. I parked in his driveway and he handed me his iPod and told me to take it for the weekend and ONLY listen to Ray Lamontagne and Gregory Alan Isakov. I fell in love the second i heard the playlist start and have been obsessed with that music ever since.

7.  The song on my iPod that's getting the most play these days is  Telephone by Lady Gaga and Beyonce. Those ladies help me run. That songs just pumps me up for some reason.

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This one was EXTRA fun!!! I love anything musically themed.


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