Tuesday, March 30, 2010

questions answered . . .

because the lovely miss summer asked, here are some answers to some questions of hers. i love answering questions, so when i saw this on her blog post today, i knew i had to do it...  and i do what she says.

1. what book are you reading? 
Are you there vodka? it's me Chelsea - Chelsea Handler
i love books that make me laugh hysterically in public

2. where do you wish you could be right now? 
on a vacation with Mr. D... somewhere tropical.
heck, i'd even take Palm Springs... anywhere but work.

3. what does your mousepad look like? 
it's a Wacom Tablet {for designers who draw on computers) so i kinda don't have one.

4. if you wanted to and you could quit your job without consequence. 
what would you say? 
i need a job that allows me to be more creative. sorry.

5. how will you make your dreams come true? 
always following my heart, and doing what i WANT to do rather than what i SHOULD do. 
never giving up, dealing with the stress and a busy schedule, 
and working my butt off putting myself out there.

6. Favorite Halloween costume ever?
 i still love my little devil costume from my little days.
i've always loved being a little devil.
7. Favorite song from back in the day? 
waterfalls - TLC... i grooved to that song on repeat for days
8. one thing you could change about you? 
my relationship with exercise. i wish i was more naturally athletic 
and didn't have to force myself to go to the gym.

• • • • • • 
this was fun. thanks Summer!!

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