Wednesday, March 17, 2010

IS IT WEIRD: Wednesday!!!

is it weird...
... that staring into the sun makes my sneezes go away?
i've heard from everyone else it makes you sneeze.

is it weird...
... that i am violently ticklish, but i LOVE when Mr. D rubs my feet?
how am i not ticklish there, but am ticklish everywhere else?

is it weird...
... that i love something one day, then hate it the next?
i'm so indecisive.

is it weird...
... that i will not allow myself to miss a day of work unless i'm deathly ill?
i need to work on this.
sometimes a girl just needs a mental day...

is it weird...
... that i'm not afraid of flying, not afraid of heights, not even afraid of the dark... but speaking in front of a crowd {even a small one} absolutely terrifies me?

is it weird...
... that i would rather cut my food with only a fork and brut force than use a knife?
maybe it's the idea of washing another utensil, or being clumsy and cutting myself??
i dunno... i just know that i rarely have to wash my knives. weird. 

is it weird...
... that the smell of sunscreen is one of my favorite smells?
it reminds me of summertime...


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