Monday, February 8, 2010

monday blues...

today, i'm struggling with a little case of the monday blues.
i feel like i really never got out of bed mentally,
and i've got no motivation today.
i want the beach.
i want flip flops.
i want sleep.
i want to have a day where 
i don't have to do anything...
...where everything i do is my choice.
{i know that everything i do already IS a choice,
i'm just speaking metaphorically... ya know?}

it's one of those days i wish my life was different.
where i didn't feel so stressed about money and 
"real world" things we're supposed to deal with.
it's one of those mondays where i wish i was a kid again.
and the only worry in the world was going to school, 
or what friend i would play with that day, 
or what games we were going to play,
or what my mom made me for lunch...

today is the day where i'm finally looking back and saying
those were the days.

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