Friday, February 12, 2010

lovin' that it's friday...

its here!! friday is here!!
there's so much going on this weekend.
valentine's day.
president's day.
monday off.
mini vacations {i think}

what is everyone doing for the 
three day weekend?
or for valentines day?

 i don't know what i'm doing yet.
i know there is something planned, 
but my valentine won't tell me.
it's a surprise.

all i know is {from the hints he gave me}...
i was told to get a dogsitter for saturday and sunday,
i will need comfortable shoes for lots of walking,
a bathing suit is involved {i'm thinking hotel}
oh, and he asked if i was afraid of heights...


afraid of heights... what the heck could that mean?
i'm stumped, but i'm pretty darn excited to find out.

ideas anyone??

sunday is my valentine-giving day...
dinner at a wonderful restaurant on the ventura pier,
followed by a movie... wolfman.
yep, that's how we roll... scary movies on valentines day.
that's my gift to him. he's pretty stoked.

i promise LOTS of pictures from this weekend, 
since the weather is supposed be beautiful this weekend.

seriously, this friday is going to take forever,
i want the weekend to begin!!!

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