Tuesday, January 12, 2010

snif snif...

it must be january.
like clockwork, every january i come down with a cold.
and i finally caught one right before my move on thursday.

right now these babies are my bestest friend.
oh and my other buddy mr. dayquil.
so while i'm sitting here in my stuffy misery,
i thought i'd write a few notes...

dear one-a-day vitamin gummies,
you may just be the coolest and healthiest discovery i've made.
i plan on seeing you daily... mmmmmm

dear Lowe's,
i have a feeling we are going to become close friends.
be it the painting of my apartment or the building of a fence
we will see each other often.
so be kind to my wallet.

dear new breakfast creation,
i think i am in love with your wheat tortilla, egg white, and
feta cheesy goodness!! i wish i had time to make you every day!!

dear running shoes,
i'm sorry for neglecting you this week.
i promise to be back in it full swing next week.

dear Lady Gaga + BeyĆ³nce + Britney,
i can't believe i'm admitting this, but i'm addicted to your music.
it makes me want to dance on the treadmill.
i also run farther and harder at the gym, and i love you for that.

dear rain,
i hear you're stopping by tomorrow.
would you please stay only for wednesday?
i have to move thursday, and doing that in the rain would suck.

dear new rainboots from santa,

i might get to wear you tomorrow... yay!!
and then i may never take you off... you guys are too cute!

dear cold,
please go away soon. i'd like to not be miserable
while lifting couches and chairs and boxes. thanks.

that's all folks.

happy tuesday!!

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