Wednesday, January 13, 2010

the last wednesday...

well, it's finally here... almost.
tomorrow morning i will be moving into my new apartment.
and hopefully it won't be raining.

last night i made the "i'm moving" target shopping trip.
i got a new rug which was much needed {shown below}
some essentials, and some storage boxes.

i've been saving clips and pics for color inspiration
from websites and blogs... and i have so many ideas!

i can't wait to start decorating and making this place "me" -- ya know?
right now it just looks like a plain old apartment, but it's gonna be great.
right now i'm really loving earthy greens and bright accents,
deep purples and golds... oh i could go on for days...
wait, i've already done that! HA...

the BEST thing about moving?

getting organized!
and we all know how much i love being organized.
you might even call me a little OCD...

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