Friday, January 8, 2010

it's finally friday...

hooooooweeeee i was starting to worry it would never get here.
it's been a bit of a frustrating week, but the friday factor totally outweighs the frustrations.
yesterday i had an "i hate drivers" afternoon... you know. those moments of selfish people on the freeway purposely not letting you over as if it were a race... and then i missed my exit which let me to a million one way streets going the opposite direction i needed to go. boo santa barbara... you are not my favorite when it comes to the streets.

but i survived.. and i'm sporting a new 'do for 2010.
i went back to the dark side... {insert gratuitous hair photo}

aaaaaaaand... i discovered a new and wonderful product for your hair.
moroccan oil. have you tried it yet? it's brilliant.

my hair doesn't feel dry and crispy, and is über shiny!
i'm in love with it.

on another note: i'm so ready for the weekend!
{even though it will mostly consist of packing and cleaning}
oh! and a CD release party saturday night... pretty exciting.
{more on that later}

any of you have some awesomely fun plans?

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