Monday, May 3, 2010

Is it really Monday already?

I'm struggling today. I can't seem to get a firm grip on this Monday thing... it always comes too soon and I never really feel prepared for the week by the time it is here... 
{random photo taken at my desk... i was bored and don't have any images for this post. and I like having images for my posts -- so this is what you get today... he he he}

Had a great weekend though... had a girls night Friday night {photos to come soon}. Then I had my makeup class on Saturday - awesome stuff as always!!! We are finally starting to apply makeup on models this week, so that should be exciting.

Sunday Mr. D and I went golfing. Yes, golfing. I actually quite like it, believe it or not. It is very relaxing to me and is nice to get outside for some good ol' sunshine. I didn't golf too badly either... quite proud of myself actually. I think I may have even impressed Mr. D with my skills.. he he he. 

Needless to say, it was a great weekend, and as always I am sad it is behind me... and now I am back to working, doing homework, research and shopping for 'school supplies." 

Weekend, I miss you... please come back soon.

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