sorry for the lack of post yesterday. wednesday night at the last minute i decided to take a vacation day and just do all those things a grown-up girl needs to do; laundry, doggie baths, cleaning, errands, shopping, at-home manis, and an entrance exam for makeup school. it seriously was a wonderful little break from the norm... so relaxing. i should take a vacation day more often!
the best thing about my day:
i registered for night classes yesterday.
i'm officially a makeup artist student!!!
only 2 1/2 weeks until class begins...
ask me if i'm thrilled, i'll say heck yes!!!
you can definitely expect some fun makeup tutorials and updates on what i'm learning in class. this blog may just turn into a little beauty blog... hope ya don't mind. i'm so friggin excited about this... i can't wait!!
anywho.. you wanna hear something else fantastic?
it's FRIDAY peeps!!
and speaking of peeps...
it's easter weekend. already.
can you believe it or are you in as much shock as i am? how the heck has this year flown into April so quickly? sheesh... i hope summer slows down a bit so i can stop and enjoy some sunshine.
i hope each and every single one of you have a fabulous weekend and a lovely easter holiday. i get to stay close and just hang with the fam, and hopefully avoid overindulging on sweets and food.
have a lovely weekend!!
see you monday!
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