Wednesday, March 10, 2010

is it weird: wednesday!! ...

is it weird...
...that i occasionally buy disney/kid movies with the idea that 
someday i can watch them with my kids and/or nieces and nephews?

is it weird...
...that i love love LOVE hot coffee, 
but can't stand cold/iced coffee?

is it weird...
... that i NEVER wear rings?
i buy them, but never wear them.
i wear earrings, and necklaces and bracelets and watches,
but no rings. my fingers feel constricted 
and uncomfortable when i wear them.

is it weird...
that random e-mails from fellow bloggers 
make me so giddy i jump up and down in my chair a little.
i guess i just love getting mail... be it electronic or snail mail...

is it weird...
... that i have to change something about myself every few weeks?
like my hair, blog, clothes, make-up style etc...
i love change.

speaking of change... 
my new blog design is nearly done. 
there's just a few more tweaks to make, and little things to design. 
Stay tuned!

• • • • • •

hope you all are having a fabulous wednesday!!
i'm thinking of making these weird wednesdays a weekly thing...
they're kinda fun!

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