Thursday, January 7, 2010

BENEFIT : sale-abration!

this year BENEFIT is having their end of 2009-sale
and they are doing early 2010.

they have items that most of us like-
and its discounted up to..
70% guess what?
they have my favourite :
Jiffy Tan (25% off) @ $21.00
Dr Feel Good Lipscription (25% off) @ $ 24.00
& the ever so sexy wash
You Clean Up Nice (25% off) @ $18.75

you beauty peeps-
can head over to the buh-byes benefit sale-abration!
and pick the best out of it & buy them there.

its all worth your money!

easy buys: 
1. view the items page by page
2. select the items you're interested to get/try
3. click on the item
4. read the description of the product
5. hit the 'ADD TO WISH LIST'

- your items are all yours-

photo source : benefit cosmetics

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