Saturday, December 26, 2009

DIVA lip balm

DIVA Lip Balm/ RM 19
Vanilla, Pomegranate, Strawberry

i was doing some late Christmas shoppin-
and i encounter this special Lip Balm @ DIVA
an accessories shop which sells their very own balm.

it was so cheap!
only RM 19 for 3 lip balm-
each has different taste.
Strawberry, Pomegranate & Vanilla-
my BEST favorite! the sweetness of every taste
sexy sexy sexy! superb!
the balm lasted quite long-
and it smells so delicious, i nearly gonna
need to apply every 5 minutes as i keep
lickin' it off my lips every once a while. LOL.

i think i saw this lip balm review somewhere-
but i cant recall which blog was it. 
>.<" sorry~

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